Sedation Option for Dental Implants


Which Sedation Option Is Right for Receiving Dental Implants?

If you’re hesitant about your upcoming implant procedure, you might be wondering if there’s anything that can be done to alleviate your anxiety and ensure your comfort during the process—and there absolutely is! Here’s more from your sedation dentist about available sedation options and which is the best for when you’re receiving dental implants.

What Types of Sedation Options Are Normally Available?

There are a few different types of sedation options utilized in dentistry, but a few common ones include:

  • Oral conscious sedation – Oral conscious sedation is very straightforward; you’re prescribed a pill to take at home the day of your appointment, so that by the time you’re sitting down in the dentist’s chair, you’ll already feel calm and ready for your dental work. You’ll likely remain awake for the entire appointment and able to respond to verbal commands.
  • Nitrous oxide sedation – Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide sedation is perfect for those patients who suffer from mild to moderate dental anxiety. A gas is inhaled through a small nasal mask, and within moments you’ll feel warm, euphoric, and slightly numb. Once the appointment is over and the mask has been removed, you’ll quickly feel totally back to normal.
  • IV sedation – IV sedation is a type of sedation that requires an anesthesiologist present. The patient is administered sedation drugs directly into the bloodstream under careful direction and observation, and a breathing tube is placed to ensure oxygen flow. The inherent risks that accompany this type of sedation are easily minimized thanks to several safety precautions. Patients can anticipate some downtime following receiving this type of sedation.

Which Sedation Option Is Right for Implant Procedures?

Since dental implants are inherently a highly invasive procedure, dental sedation is recommended. Since there are various levels of dental sedation, determining which type is right for you depends on the extent of the procedure and your comfort level. IV sedation is generally the preferred method, as long as you’re in good physical health. Due to the length of time and extensiveness involved in placing dental implants, IV sedation is also an impressively effective means of managing the pain and anxiety that often accompanies the procedure.

If you’re set to receive implants, it’s wise to understand the various forms of sedation and their advantages and disadvantages; that way, you’re ensuring that the best one for you is selected.