Object Stuck Between Your Teeth


4 Ways to Remove a Lodged Object Stuck Between Your Teeth

When eating with family and friends, you may find yourself a bit embarrassed should you or someone else notice an object stuck between your teeth. While most cases are easy to handle with the help of dental floss or a toothpick, some are a bit more difficult. If you don’t reach for the correct item or handle it safely and appropriately, you can find yourself hopping in the car and on your way to see an emergency dentist. Here are 4 safe and effective ways to remove a lodged item from in-between your teeth and what to do if you need a professional’s help.

Be Gentle While Flossing

The most logical step to remove a piece of food from between your teeth is to grab the dental floss. This is usually effective but only if you do it correctly. Remember, your soft tissues shouldn’t endure a lot of pressure, so you’ll need to avoid pulling down on the floss or pushing up depending on where the lodged food exists. If you do this, you’ll run the risk of pushing the object further into your gums. As a result, you may be required to see your emergency dentist. Be gentle and slowly move it back and forth until you’ve reached the item.

Use a Toothpick or Water Irrigator

If you’re tempted to reach for a fork to try and get a particular piece of food out, think again. Instead, try using a wooden toothpick and gently move it between your two teeth. By applying just enough pressure, you may be able to dislodge it. It can also help to rinse your mouth with warm water before and after this process. If a toothpick isn’t successful, you can always try a water irrigator that will force water between your teeth to remove the object.  

Eat Some Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Surprisingly, eating certain raw vegetables can be effective at cleaning your teeth and removing anything that shouldn’t be there. Celery, apples, and carrots are three great options because they act as a toothbrush. Not only do they stimulate your saliva production to wash away debris in your mouth, but they also help to dislodge food safely.

Use Your Tongue to Dislodge the Food

This one you need to be careful doing because you could overextend your tongue and cause your jaw muscles to become fatigued. If you do this too often, you may experience difficulty chewing and changes in your speech. It’s also possible to cause additional problems to your temporomandibular joints (TMJ). When using your tongue to remove the food, gently press on the area to try and remove it. Swishing with warm water can help, but if your tongue becomes tried or strained, stop and seek help from a trusted professional.

Lodged food is a common occurrence and one that can be remedied with any of the above-mentioned techniques. However, if you simply cannot dislodge the object, don’t be afraid to contact your emergency dentist for immediate assistance.