Dangers Of Slipping Dentures


5 Reasons Why You Should Replace an Ill-Fitting Denture

While a denture can be a fantastic way to affordably replace many teeth at a time, it’s very important that it fits properly and feels comfortable day-to-day. Over time, the shape of the mouth changes as bone continues to break down, making the denture no longer fit as well as it should. This can lead to many issues later down the line that negatively affect your oral health. To learn what they are and why it may be time to consider an implant denture instead, keep reading!

Increased General Discomfort

It’s not normal for a denture to feel uncomfortable while you wear it, especially if you haven’t had any issues with your denture in the past. For example, if your jaw starts to feel sore or there’s uneven pressure as you bite down, it’s a sign that your denture is no longer fitting as it was intended to and needs to be adjusted or even replaced.

Pressure Sores

A pressure sore is specifically caused by an ill-fitting denture. These sores generally develop in places where the denture puts more pressure on specific areas of the gums. The fact of the matter is a denture should be applying pressure evenly throughout the mouth and across your gums. Replacing an ill-fitting denture sooner can help you avoid these sores entirely.

Increased Risk for Oral Sores

Ill-fitting dentures themselves don’t cause oral issues like canker sores and raw patches of tissue, but they can increase your general risk of developing them. For example, fissures in the surface of your denture may lead to complications, including those as serious as oral infections like candidiasis (also known as oral thrush).

Difficulty Speaking

Without teeth, speaking becomes incredibly difficult. Of course, the teeth need to be as stationary as possible to prevent issues like slurring speech, lisping, and excessive salivation. While it’s common to have minor speech issues when you first receive a denture, they can easily come back if your denture doesn’t fit properly.

Difficulty Chewing and Digesting Food

A slipping denture will make chewing food far more cumbersome, even when the food itself shouldn’t be difficult to break down. When food isn’t broken down properly, it puts far more stress on your body. This can lead to issues like chronic indigestion.

Should You Consider Implant Dentures?

Ill-fitting dentures can be readjusted to fit properly but this is really just a temporary solution. Eventually, they’ll need to be replaced entirely. That’s why many people consider implant dentures instead to rebuild their smile. This option combines dental implants with dentures to create a restoration that never slips or shifts out of place while in use.

And, thanks to the stimulation provided by the dental implants, bone tissue remains intact, preventing changes in facial shape that trigger the need for readjusted dentures in the first place.

Don’t let a slipping denture dictate your day-to-day. Get in touch with a periodontist to see if dental implants are right for you!