
Your Path to Healthier Gums: Understanding Pocket Reduction Surgery


Gum disease affects more than a billion people worldwide, often progressing silently until it causes significant damage to the teeth’s supporting structures. When advanced periodontal disease creates deep pockets between the teeth and gums, patients require surgical intervention. Pocket reduction surgery, or osseous surgery, is a powerful weapon against periodontal disease.

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Why Is My Gum Swollen But I Feel No Pain?


Often overshadowed by teeth, gum health is a vital component of overall oral wellness, and changes in their condition can sometimes leave patients puzzled. One particularly perplexing issue is the occurrence of painless gum swelling, a concern we frequently encounter. As dental professionals, our goal is to help you uncover the possible reasons behind this condition and guide you toward effective solutions.

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The Stages of Periodontitis: Understanding the Progression


Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease that is caused by a bacterial infection of the soft tissues surrounding the teeth. It can affect anyone with poor oral hygiene who fails to brush and floss regularly and can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Periodontitis affects more than 47 percent of U.S. adults over the age of 30, and 70 percent of adults aged 65 and older. 

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Tooth Extraction and Aftercare - Your Most Common Questions Answered

Dental Services

While being told you need a tooth extraction is the last thing you want to hear from your dentist, it’s sometimes the necessary solution to prevent further issues from tooth damage or decay. It’s among the most common dental procedures used to improve oral health and involves completely removing a tooth from its socket. Dentists, periodontists, and oral surgeons all perform tooth extractions, with more complex cases such as impacted teeth often being referred to oral surgeons.

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Overgrown Gums May Be More than a Cosmetic Issue The term “gummy smile” is often used to describe a mouth in which excess gum tissue makes the teeth appear short and stubby. Without a doubt, this issue could make anyone feel self-conscious.

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