Comprehensive approaches to maintain oral health, focusing on preventive care and hygiene practices.
When it comes to having a healthy, beautiful smile, you can’t simply take care of your teeth and ignore your gums and other soft tissues in your mouth. As support for your teeth, your gums are the foundation of a healthy smile, and issues with your gum health (also called periodontal health) can jeopardize your oral and overall well-being. Our team at Periodontics and Implant Dentistry of Tallahassee specializes in this area of dentistry and can provide the services you need to make sure you have a strong, healthy smile—no matter its current state.
Travis knew he had to take care of his gum problem. He went to another Periodontist years ago, and had a lot of pain after the procedure. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the experience is much easier now, and he loved the results!
Daren had a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, he had an accident that cracked his tooth among other injuries. Although nobody ever wants to lose a tooth, Daren was overjoyed when we could restore his smile to even more beautiful than it was before.